The laboratory of Applied Marketing, Managment and Finance has as aim:
a) the creation of new technologists - executives with high feeling of responsibility and modern and applied knowledge of marketing, communication, planning, organisasion and administration of wood and furniture production units, cost accounting of wood and furniture poducts, computerization, innovation, business dexterity, technical legislation and safety in the working places.
b) the development of model and applied research, as well as the promotion of collaborations with other Institutions of Higher Education and with commercial enterprises of sector of wood and furniture in Greece and abroad that is connected immediately with the content of the laboratory.
The laboratory activities includes:
- Marketing recearch for furnitures and wood products in Greece, Europe and world wide
- Studies Marketing και Business Plans in wood and furniture corporations
- Consumer behavior research
- Customer maintenance strategies and application of efficient communication
- SWOT analises
- Feasibility studies
- Finance analyses in wood and furniture corporations
- Cost accounting for furniture and wood products
- Planning extencion or new wood/furniture units
- Production Administration and function optimazation in product systems
- Introduction of new technologies and product organising methods in wood and furniture corporations
- Telematics managment of production systems
- Application of modern systems of management as ISO models for quality, TRM for the maintainance, JIT, MRP, ERP, e.t.c
- Innovation and technology managment methods (gatekeeeping, innovative project management e.t.c)
- Case studies of all above.
- Software use.
- Simulations
The laboratory includes:
- Area 60 m2
- Fully equipped PCs.
- Desision-making simulation, work managment (MS Project),statistical and other software
- Wide screen projection systems, connected to PC