1. The scientific field of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology Department negotiate science and technology, wood technology and furniture design and production-driven economy, respect the environment and social acceptance
2.The Wood and Furniture Design and Technology Department mission is to: i) foster and promote knowledge in the fields of wood technology,furniture production technology, wood constructions and furniture design, ii) to provide students with the necessary supplies to ensure the perfect training for scientific and professional career development and, iii) to contribute by developing knowledge and innovation through the application of scientific, technological or other knowledge to the development and progress of wood and furniture industry of the country, iv) to train, highly qualified, new wood and furniture technologists and designersl.
3. Description of the Department's Graduate: the graduate in Wood and Furniture Design and Technology has the theoretical and applied scientific training to operate as a Wood Technologist , furniture production technologist and furniture designer, particularly in the following areas: i) production of wood products, ii ) furniture production and wood constructions, iii) design of original design furniture and wood constructions and implementation of proposals according to new technologies and market trends, iv) organization and operation of wood products and furniture production and marketing , v) implementation of technical specifications for wood products production, furniture and wood construction and implement quality control standards and quality assurance systems, vi) furniture and wood decoration.